Adding links to text is able to give access to websites and email addresses directly from your document. Similarly, there are methods to insert a link into your document. It just depends on how you want the link to appear. Anyhow, you are able to use the word’s automatic link formatting or turn text into a link . By default, whenever, we enter an internet path in a Word document, it automatically turns into a clickable one. Although, things are different if we paste these paths to a document, for they will never turn to hyperlink form. Therefore, our article today is to display you how to do so. Similarly, now there is an easy way to make text in your Word documents hot that is, into hyperlinks readers tap on to obtain to a site online. Simply I do it with the key combination [CTRL][K]. Here is the way how it happens. First, you have to just open your document. Then choose the text that you are desiring to change into a link. Simply, then hit the key combo [CTRL][K]. So th...