Is RuntimeBroker.exe Is Harmful?
If you want to know about RuntimeBroker.exe then you are in the right place. If you’re using Task Manager on a Windows 8 machine, you might notice RuntimeBroker.exe executing in the background. Is it safe or harmful?
What Do You Know About RuntimeBroker.exe? Or Is RuntimeBroker Is a Virus?
Well, the Runtime Broker process was designed by Microsoft. Also, it is a core process in Windows 8/10. Keep in mind that it is not a virus or any type of malware.
Whenever you logged into Windows 8 or 10 and can’t run any apps yet. Then you might not see RuntimeBroker.exe executing yet. It occurs by Universal apps, also when the process ends, all currently open apps will fully close immediately.
So why it is running and what is the purpose of Runtime Broker? Well, the answer is very easy. It handles checking or examining if an application is declaring all of its permissions/privileges (such as accessing your Photos) and alerting the user whether or not it’s being allowed. Well, it is quite interesting to check how it functions when paired with access to hardware. Like an app’s ability to take webcam snapshots. Think of it as the middleman between your application and your privacy/security.
Read more: Is RuntimeBroker.exe Is Harmful?
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